My Favorite Bibles
So, after you’ve been a minister for a while, you’ve used and looked at a lot of different Bibles. Everyone has versions they like more than others, but here are my 5 top Bibles that I recommend for various reasons.Â

This is the Bible that I use for personal study time if I’m not using a journal. It has wide margins and a decent thickness of the paper. If you like coloring in your Bible, it has areas with graphics to color in. Overall it’s just a good stand-alone journal Bible, and it’s in my everyday use translation.

Jesus Storybook Bible
This is the Bible that I recommend to everyone just starting off in their faith or just starting to read the Bible. It’s not only written in a way that’s easy to understand so you can focus on the story, but it also highlights how all stories point toward Jesus as our Savior. It’s a good option for anyone, or you can read through it as a family devotional.

Holman Student Bible
I like this version because it’s all in color and has some great study features, both for learning more about what the Bible is saying and understanding the history and culture of Bible times. This is a Christian Standard Bible translation, which isn’t as common, so it might be good if you’re looking for something different without going too far one way on the literal or paraphrase scale. It also has some good personal development resources in the back to help you learn more about how God made you.

Jesus Centered Bible
When your ready for a step up from a basic reading Bible but a study Bible still feels like a bit much, this is great. I love it because it does take you a little deeper into understanding the Bible, but it highlights Jesus through everything, thus it’s name.

The Action Bible
This is another “kids” Bible, but it’s my recommendation after the Jesus Storybook Bible and for pre-teens. This Bible hits most of the stories of the Bible, even the ones we like to skip over, and does it in a comic book style. I know most of my Bible stories because I read The Picture Bible when I was a kid, which was the OG comic book Bible. The graphics were 1970s Sunday school style, but it did its job and made me want to read and learn.
So, what are your go-to or favorite Bibles? Have you used any of the above ones?
Stay Weird,

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