I’ve been there.
I’m so glad you stopped by. You’re probably already wondering what kind of site have you stumbled across. And it’s a site I started for people like me. People who don’t feel like they fit in. That could mean struggling to find your way as a Christian who isn’t supposed to look different from the world, but you’re not really sure how or what that looks like. It could mean you’re trying to figure out how you fit into Christianity when you don’t feel like you fit in.
And so, we’re going to go on a journey together. Both to follow Jesus and be more like him, which makes us a little weird, and to find God’s purpose for our lives which means we won’t look like other Christians. We’re also going to do it a little different than might be expected. I’m going to keep things as simple as I can. I used to be a children’s minster and when it comes to talking about my faith I’ve found talking about it simple is best for everyone, no matter their age. So if I use big churchy words, I’ll try to explain it. And we’ll work through a lot of the basics both here, on the podcast, and on youtube. I’ll try to give your resources and support to make it as easy as possible for you to grow and learn how to be fully who God made and planned for you to be.
It can be hard to be different, and I’ll tell you about all my moments, but I’ve never been disappointed by what God had in store for me.
Stay weird

P.S. Here are some weird facts about me
- My vibe is vintage-gothic-mod-art-deco-eclectic
- Hexagons are my favorite shape
- Phthalo green is my favorite color
- I was single with no relationship until I was 31
- I’m not having biological kids
- I kind of want to start training crows
- The night sky is what makes me feel closest to God
- I have a grudge against the New-New International Version of the Bible
- My two favorite book series are The Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter
- I’m an Ordained Minister
- I have three black belts
- My favorite vacations are anything that is all-inclusive
- Pineapples are my favorite fruit
- I hate oranges so much I tell people I’m allergic which is half true because my soul is.
- I say weird things like color 14
- I wore skirts over my jeans before it was cool, and not in an edgy, trying to be in kind of way.
- I love making soundtracks for all of life’s moments
- My husband and I got engaged after knowing each other 3 months and married after 9 1/2
- Sometimes I miss t9 texting because of how easy it was to text without looking at the phone
- I like extra dark chocolate, like 90% level